Waiting for the answer….

Since I started this incognito! blog…I have been thru a lot of garbage…I call it that because it feels like I have been steamrolled by one of those great big smasher things that crunch metal cars. Yep, that is me these days…an old 59 Chevy smashed to smithereens to never be identifiable again…just a big


Insomnia…..what a torrid bedfellow….the ache to sleep coupled with the restless pangs of wide awake-ness….makes for a struggle to rest…..so many thoughts running through my head, so many feelings flowing, blocking any chance of real rest. How can I think this much…..I am all alone in my bed, my restless husband is away…in his own

…i am going to SCREAM!!!!!!

So, maybe refuge is not what I desire…maybe it is solitude, I swear if the four people(one husband and 3 kids) in my life who can not seem to survive unless they are in my face being idiots…i am going to SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!! They will not change….constant deadbeat behaviors…..GROW UP!!! GET OUT!!!!!! GO AWAY!!!!!!…and let me

A hiding place

This is the beginning of a new adventure…a trip of sorts…one that I hope will allow me to have a voice in a world that is full of ears to hear. I am setting out to the vast unknown to vent and release; pour out my heart, a heart that has been broken through daily